Act Now to Preserve the Rancho!

Help us protect this land and the animals who live here!

Donate to help pay for our fight against The City of Burbank.

You may donate via PayPal or credit card through

the Friends of the Equestrian Bridge’s GoFundMe fundraiser.

A group of neighbors in the community created Friends of The Equestrian Bridge (FOTEB), a 501(c)(3) non profit corporation, and filed a lawsuit against the City of Burbank to prove that the SB35 application did not qualify for approval. There is a Hearing on the Petition for Writ of Mandate scheduled for September 26th, 2024. This hearing is decided exclusively by the judge, and it will not be open to the public, but we at Cancel the Condos will keep you posted on this.

Please note Friends of the Equestrian Bridge is a separate entity from Cancel the Condos, however we wholeheartedly endorse its mission!

Learn more at FOTEB’s website:

FOTEB is officially accepting donations which can be made at, which are tax deductible to the extent permitted by law. Please contribute whatever you can. These donations are a wonderful way you can support the cause to preserve safe access to the equestrian bridge and preserve the historical Rancho community!

We are a group fighting to STOP the development of 910 S. Mariposa, Burbank CA 

23 Condos, 76 bedrooms, 46 parking spaces on a 1 lane road cul-de-sac at the heart of the EQUESTRIAN NEIGHBORHOOD and Mariposa Bridge.

Our main objective is to organize the effort in stopping the development of 910 S. Mariposa into luxury condos. This website should function as a hub of information on the issue so that it is easier to make our voices heard and that information is clear for who would like to support and join the fight.

We hope this helps individuals who wish to become educated on the issues and concerns of our neighborhood. We will update the site frequently as we hear of new information.

Our efforts hope to help save our beloved Riverside Rancho, however this page is solely focused on canceling the condo development at 910 S. Mariposa because it endangers our community.

We support other efforts to save the Rancho but have felt the community needed one organized group focused solely on this one threat. There are many issues encroaching on our Rancho, when faced with opportunities to voice concerns it is overwhelming on where to start. We are hoping this group and page can help center the focus on one common goal.

So lets put on our boots and get at it!

The burbank city council failed us July 25th 2023, but we are not giving up this fight.

The Mariposa Equestrian Bridge functions as the heart beat of the Riverside Rancho and The gateway to griffith park

May 2023, over 160+ horses passed in front of our camera in 3 hours

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Interested to get more involved with boots and hooves on the ground?

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All email list members must complete the screening questions below.

A lawsuit was filed on october 18th, 2023

by Friends of the Equestrian Bridge against the City of Burbank.

This case challenges the approval of SB35 for 910 S. Mariposa, 'Circle K'.